For Fun

65 Brilliant Back to School Jokes and Riddles for Funny Kids

Summer vacation is over and school is back in session! It’s time to get those brains back in gear with a huge collection of funny riddles and jokes all about school and classroom subjects. We’re celebrating back to school with 65 riddles that kids will love telling their friends and teachers!

Back to School

Why was the teacher wearing sunglasses in class?
Because her students were so bright.

Why do magicians do well in school?
Because they can handle trick questions.

Where is the best place to grow flowers at school?
In the kinderGARDEN.

Why did the student eat their homework?
Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake!

What ten things can teachers always count on?
Their fingers.

Which school does the ice cream man go to?
Sundae school.

Which school do surfers go to?
Boarding school.

School Supplies

Who is the leader of the school supplies?
The ruler.

What did one pencil say to another on the first day of school?
You’re looking sharp!

What is black when it’s clean and white when it’s dirty?
The blackboard.

What did the paper say to the pencil?
You have a good point.

Where do tired school supplies go to rest?
In a knapsack.

School Can Be a Zoo Sometimes

Why are fish considered the smartest animal?
Because they live in schools.

How do fish get to school?
By octobus!

How do bees get to school?
On the school buzz.

Which animal cheats on tests?

How does a duck solve math problems?
With a QUACKulator!

What is a butterfly’s favorite subject?

Which is the smartest insect?
The spelling bee.

Why did the dog do so well in school?
Because he was the teacher’s pet!

English Class

Which dinosaur has the best vocabulary?
A thesaurus.

Why can’t pirates learn the alphabet?
Because they keep getting lost at C.

What do you call an English teacher addicted to Instagram?

What is an English teacher’s favourite tree?
A poeTREE.

What does a thesaurus eat for breakfast?
Synonym rolls.

What is a witch’s favourite school subject?
English because of all the SPELLing.

What are the smartest letters of the alphabet?
The Ys (wise).

Math Class

Why does math class make students sad?
Because it’s full of problems.

What is a math teacher’s favourite season?

Why do calculators make such good friends?
Because you can always count on them.

Why are geometry lessons so adorable?
Because they have a lot of aCUTE angles.

Why do students wear glasses in math class?
To improve their diVISION.

What is a math teacher’s favorite tree?
A geomeTREE.

Why were the students doing multiplication on the floor?
Because the teacher asked them not to use their tables.

History Class

What is a snake’s favorite school subject?

Why is history such a sweet subject?
Because it has a lot of dates.

How did the history teacher cut his hair?
With a pair of Caesars.

Why do history students call the Middle Ages the Dark Ages?
Because there were so many knights.

Music Class

Why is music class so hard?
Because you have to write so many notes.

Why are music teachers so good at playing baseball?
Because they have perfect pitch.

Why did the music teacher bring a ladder to school?
So he could reach the high notes.

Science Class

Why are chemistry teachers good at solving problems?
Because they have all the solutions!

Why was the science teacher’s breath so fresh?
Because she had a lot of experiMINTS.

What did the science teacher say when someone threw sodium chloride at him.
“That’s a salt!”

What is a chemistry teacher’s favorite holiday song?
Oh, Chemist-TREE!

Astronomy Class

Why didn’t the Sun go to university?
Because it already had a million degrees.

Why did the dwarf star go to school?
To become brighter.

Where do planets and stars get educated?

When do student astronauts eat?
At LAUNCH time.

P.E. Class

Why did the triangle and square go to P.E. class every day?
To stay in shape.

What time would it be if Godzilla came to school?
Time to run!

What exercise does Bigfoot do in gym class?

What can students catch but never throw?
A cold.

What is a cheerleader’s favourite breakfast?

In the Principal’s Office

Who is everyone’s best friend at school?
The princiPAL.

Why did the echo get detention at school?
Because it kept talking back.

What did the cross-eyed teacher say to the principal?
I can’t control my pupils.

Why was the clock sent to the principal’s office?
For TOCKing too much.

In the Library

Which school building is the tallest?
The library because it has so many stories.

What does a library book do in winter?
It puts on a jacket.

What colour are the books in the school library?
They’re all RED (read).

School is Sweet!

What candies do you find at school?
Smarties, Nerds, and Dum-Dums.

What candy do you eat on the playground?
Recess pieces.

What is a blackboard’s favorite drink?
Hot CHALKolate.

Why did the jellybean go to school?
So he could become a Smartie.

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