
Keeping It Real

I’ve been blessed with a lot of opportunities lately, and that has allowed me to bring you lots of reviews, giveaways, and sponsored content. But too much of that starts to leave me feeling a bit disconnected from my blog and from you, my readers. Now don’t get me wrong, I love bringing you new products and great prizes. In fact, I’ve had a couple of emails recently from some of you who’ve won prizes here that have really made me smile.

(Pro tip: A quick thank you note or even a picture of you or your little one enjoying something you won can really make your friendly neighbourhood blogger’s day!)

As this little blog grows and I find myself being offered more opportunities, it’s tempting to take them all. After all, it’s only human to feel flattered that somebody wants to work with little ole me! But it’s also important to me that this blog have more to offer than just sponsored content. I’ve turned down a few opportunities lately because they didn’t fit me or my blog. I hemmed and hawed about it, because it would have been so nice to have a little extra cash to help cover the bills, but in the end it just wouldn’t have felt right.

I want This West Coast Mommy to continue to reflect who I am, and I guess I just wanted to reassure you that in between the reviews and giveaways, I’ll continue to write about me, my family, and our life, even if it doesn’t bring in the traffic the way the other stuff does. I hope you find it worthwhile too.

I know I initially discovered a lot of the blogs that I follow through a review or a giveaway, but what brings me back is the real person behind the blog. What brings you back? Do you follow blogs just for the giveaways? If you want more than that, what else do you look for in the blogs that you follow?

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  • I applaud your integrity. I did find you from a giveaway hop. I subscribed because you seemef like someone that actually had something worthwhile to say. I love when you share paleo recipes and cloth diaper info, etc. I also really enjoy when you give preschool updates because I will be sending my oldest in the fall and am very nervous about it. Giveaways are nice, but I stick around because I know you are a real person and not just some walking billboard. Keep up the good work!

    • Thank you, Katie! I really appreciate your kind words and your support. It’s a balancing act for sure, and I want to make sure it doesn’t tip too far over into “walking billboard” territory as you so beautifully put it. πŸ™‚
      (I was nervous about sending Tee to preschool too, but as she’s blossomed it’s really showed me it was absolutely the right decision for her.)

  • I follow you because I enjoy your writing style and because you’re Canadian. Your content seems so much more relevant to me since we share living in this big, beautiful country in common. Reading your reviews helps keep me up to date on what is new in the marketplace & often helps me get ideas for baby shower gifts, birthdays, etc for my grandkids. I do enjoy the giveaways, too. The occasional win is always a fun treat when it arrives at my door.
    In other words, keep up the great work, I’m enjoying your blog!

    • Thank you, Julie! I feel the same way you do which is why I try to keep my content Canadian whenever I can. It’s nice to know someone else notices too! πŸ™‚ I’m so happy you find it worthwhile to stick around, and I appreciate your support. Thanks!

  • First of all, sorry Olivia, for taking so long to leave my comment – I’m the biggest procrastinator πŸ™‚

    I found your blog through the giveaways link up, but certainly coming back for just regular posts like preschool updates. I love your blog and giveaways, but most of all I appreciate seeing a real person behind it. This post came at the perfect time as I realize that I rarely visit most of what used to be my favorite blogs because literally every single post on them is sponsored now and even if it looks like something personal at the beginning, I feel somewhat cheated at the end. I don’t see a person there any more, but just a business.

    So, please, stay real!

    • Thanks, Ira. A big part of starting this blog (for me at least) was creating and sharing with an online community, so I definitely don’t want to lose sight of the real life non-sponsored posts. Thank you for taking the time to come back and leave a comment! I really appreciate your support and you sharing your thoughts with me. πŸ™‚

  • I also found your blog through the giveaways link up,but I love the update,recipes and reviews.These last few months I find myself visiting everyday !!

  • I think your blog is awesome! I have definitely been steared away form ones that are overwhelming and that really have so many topics and things all over the place. I think it’s great that it reflects who you are. It helps us get to know the mama behind the blog πŸ™‚

    • Thank you for the compliment! It helps that I’m the only one writing here (many bigger blogs have multiple writers), so I only write about the topics that interest me or products that I would use.

  • I’m sad to say a lot of blogs I visit are mainly to put entries into giveaways. Right now, a giveaway on your blog prompted me to make this very post. Though despite that I’m being given an incentive, I find a lot of great content on your site. You’re a very real person and the whole paleo business peaked my interest. Some blogs only really have sponsored content and I wonder how good the products they’re reviewing really are. I mean, they’re gaining something from saying nice things about them. Bleh.