Birth Stories

Emily’s Birth Video: Induction and Delivery

Editor’s note: We believe that all birth stories and all birth experiences matter. This post is part of our ongoing series of birth stories featuring a diverse range of women and their birth experiences. Today we’re sharing Emily’s moving birth video documenting her induction and baby boy’s long-awaited arrival.
If you would like to share your own birth story, visit this post to learn how.

I am very excited about my most recent birth. Our third baby. Our beautiful baby boy, Emitt Jay Jackson.

Emitt was born on June 29, 2018, at 12:12 pm weighing in at 7 pounds, 9 ounces. I had an induction starting at 7:00 pm the night before and labored throughout the entire night and into the next morning. My labor was not progressing along very well, and it took forever to dilate past 4 centimeters.

I was starting to become discouraged because while I was having painfully strong contractions, my baby’s heart rate would dip and cause him to be in distress. I just kept breathing through contractions as best as I knew how, and they did some interventions to help baby. They gave him a bag of fluid and gave me an oxygen mask.

I finally got an epidural, and then my doctor came in and broke my water. After this, things started progressing very quickly. I was at 7 cm before I knew it, and then less than two hours later I was at 10 cm and fully effaced. I had to wait for my doctor to arrive to push, about 30 minutes or so. By the time my doctor arrived, it only took four pushes and our beautiful baby boy entered the world!

I was lucky enough to have this whole birth documented on video. I love helping other moms-to-be, and this video is by far my favorite, most cherished video I have created.

Emily and her husband Kyle are 23 years old and the parents of three children under three. This young family videos their daily lives and documents their life experiences. Visit the Jackson family on their YouTube channel The Jackson Hive.

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