Family Life

Now You Are Two

My little Kay, now you are two! Oh, what a difference a year makes!

One year ago

In the last 12 months you’ve gone from your first unsteady steps to running around the neighbourhood with all the big kids. You’ve gone from cruising the furniture to dancing around the living room every time the Big Bang theme song comes on. You climb stairs independently and only sometimes need help coming down again. You’re proving to be part monkey as you climb on, over, and under everything trying to keep up with your big sister.

One year ago, you could say hi, mama, dada, and up. Now you have over 500 words and can easily put together simple three or four word sentences. I love how you lean your head against mine and tell me, “I wuh view, Mommy!” And I love the way you count: “1, 2, 3, 5, 8!” I know I’ll miss it when you finally fill in the gaps.

You sport a lovely set of 16 tiny white teeth, one chipped, and another lurking beneath the surface that’s been responsible for cranky days and restless nights this past week. (Those two year molars are making an appearance, right on time!) Whenever you get mad, your big brown eyes and jutting lower lip melt my heart a little, even when I’m trying to stay calm and supportive without being a pushover.

You’re such an affectionate little thing. You never turn down hugs and kisses. You love playing Mommy to your dolls, pretending to nurse them, change their diapers, then tuck them in for a nap. You want to do everything by yourself, and you get offended when we tell you you’re not quite big enough. Soon, baby girl! You’re getting bigger all the time. I know it won’t be long until we say good bye to nursies and put away the diapers, so forgive me if I enjoy your toddlerhood as long as I can.

hugging her lamb

From the very first moment I met you, I loved you. You make our family complete. Happy birthday, little one.

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