Birth Stories Blogging Family Life

Want to Share Your Birth Story?

Since the moment I saw those two little lines, I’ve loved reading birth stories. When I was expecting my oldest, I read other women’s stories hoping to get an idea of what to expect and to ease my anxiety for the big day. After becoming a mother, I appreciated those stories even more because now I had a basis for understanding the experience of birth in a way that I never could have before.

The day your child is born changes you in ways you can’t even begin to understand at the time, and there’s something so special about being invited in to hear someone else’s story and thoughts about the most momentous day in her life. I loved sharing my own birth stories with you – here are Tee’s accidental hospital birth story and Kay’s home birth story. I found it deeply meaningful to create a record of both of those special days, and I retell their stories to my children every year on their birthdays.

I understand how satisfying it is to talk about our stories, and that’s why I’m opening up an opportunity for other mamas to share their birth stories with a community of supportive moms in Canada and the US.

Read the latest birth stories in this ongoing series.

Share your birth story at This West Coast Mommy!

Are you interested in sharing your own story? I’d love to publish your birth story here on This West Coast Mommy. We’re interested in all your stories: medicated or unmedicated, vaginal or C-section or VBAC, home or hospital, premature or full-term, orgasmic birth or birth trauma, adoption or surrogate or miscarriage. Did everything go as planned or were your expectations smashed to pieces? What would you change or do the same next time around?

I reserve the right to edit for length (please aim for somewhere between 400-1200 words) or clarity, but you have the final say in how your story is published. You can sign your story with your real name or use a pen name to protect your privacy. I’d love to include a few of your photos with your story, but it’s not necessary. And if you have your own blog, I’d be happy to include a link back. Feel free to email me with any questions.

I can’t wait to read and share your stories! Send in your birth story and any photos to [email protected].

Need a little help getting started? Check out these tips for writing your own birth story!

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